めざす未来へーふれあいto and through nebraska

ハーバードが選んだto and through nebraskaの10個の原則


It Won't Go Through Skin Stories and a little history of the Favorite Bar and the Magic City of Chadron, Nebraska【電子書籍】[ Mark M. Peyton ]

<p>Mark M. Peyton is a naturalist with multiple advanced degrees; however, he would describe himself as more of a storyteller and teacher. He is an essayist who blends his personal experiences with information to both entertain and educate the reader. This collection of essays and trips down the rabbit holes of history is a collection of stories involving his experiences working his way through college as a bartender during the 1970s. The multiple trips down the rabbit holes of history help place this time and this bar in the wider context of the history of an amazing place and an amazing people: the Oglala Lakota. As you read this book, you'll laugh, you'll cry, and hopefully, you will learn as Peyton takes you on a history journey to the Favorite Bar of 1972 and the magic city of Chadron, Nebraska.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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Price 商品価格 928円(税込み)
Review Average レビュー平均 0(5点満点)
Review Count レビュー件数 0件
Shop Name ショップ 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア

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